Palatino, Palladio, Pagella and Book Antiqua


The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

URW Palladio L

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

TeX Gyre Pagella

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

Palatino Linotype

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

Book Antiqua

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

TeX Gyre Pagella @font-face CFF outlines

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

TeX Gyre Pagella @font-face TrueType outlines, FontForge hinting

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.

TeX Gyre Pagella @font-face TrueType outlines, ttfautohint hinting

The affluent “wizards” get their fix of bitter coffee for €4.30 in Hamburg and for $6.25 in Queens. Even though most Web content is broken without hope of repair and browsers will do something with any input purporting to be HTML, it is still useful to provide a quality assurance tool for authors. Even if browsers adopt the well-defined error-recovering processing models of HTML5, authors generally do not make errors on purpose in order to elicit particular error recovery response. Silent recovery from inadvertent mistakes – even if deterministic and well defined – may still confuse an author who did not mean to invoke error recovery. The issue becomes more apparent when an author uses a style sheet or a script that assumes the document to be correct. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide a conformance checker that helps authors find their mistakes.