XHTML 1.0 Strict as text/html

This document is valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and complies with the HTML Compatibility Guidelines in Appendix C of the XHTML 1.0 specification. Despite the warning in the guidelines, the document does contain processing instructions.

Testing Area

This should look like a paragraph. The string “Testing Area” above this paragraph should look like a second-level heading. If this is not the case, the user agent doesn’t associate a default UA style sheet with this document. Next, there should be a third-level heading.


This section tests elements included in XHTML Basic (a subset of XHTML 1.1 and XHTML 1.0 Strict)

Structure Module

The title of this document is the first heading. The user agent is expected to display the title somehow—eg. in the title bar of the browser window if a windowing system is used.

Text Module

Block-Level Elements

This should look like a paragraph. The string “Block-Level Elements” above should look like a fifth-level heading. The string “Text Module” above it should look like a fourth-level heading. The string “XHTML Basic” above it should look like a third-level heading. Even earlier in the document the string “Testing Area” should look like a second-level heading. There shoudl be a first-level heading at the top of the page.

This is a paragraph inside a blockquote whose citation source is http://www.hut.fi/u/hsivonen/test/xhtml-suite/dtdless-generic.xml

This is a paragraph inside a division.

This is another paragraph inside the same division.

This is an address.
This is a sixth-level heading
This text is preformatted. There is a line break here:
          ^ The caret on the left is supposed to be under
            the letter 'i' in the word "is".
            The words "the" on the left should be aliged.
            On the two lines above this one, characters
            QUOTATION MARK (U+0022) and APOSTROPHE (U+0027) have
            been used. No ampersand should be displayed in this 
Inline Elements

The following is an abbreviation whose expanded form may be made available somehow (eg. via tooltip or the status bar): abbr. The following is an acronym whose expanded form may be made available somehow (eg. via tooltip or the status bar): ETLA. The following is a quotation whose citation source is http://www.hut.fi/u/hsivonen/test/xhtml-suite/dtdless-generic.xml: quotation. There should be a line break here:
Citation, code, defining instance, emphasis, keyboard input, sample output, strong emphasis, variable, generic span

Hypertext Module

This is a link to the XHTML test suite table of contents. The link contain inline markup (<acronym>), has a title and an accesskey ‘t’.

List Module

Definition list
A list of terms and their definitions. This list is a definition list.
Ordered list
A list with numbered items—such as the list after this list
Unordered list
A list with bulleted or otherwise unnumbered list—such as the list after the ordered list
  1. This is an ordered list.
  2. This is the second item.
  3. This is the third item.

Basic Forms Module

Basic Table Module

The following table has five columns, three rows, a summary and a caption.

Basic Table (this is the caption)
First row headingCellCellCellCell
Second row headingCell spanning two columnsCell spanning two
rows and columns
Third row headingCellCell

Image Module

There is a JPEG image here: An embossed blue circle

Object Module

There is a JPEG object here: An embossed blue circle

Link Module

This document has a <link/> to a copyright notice. The user interface for following the link is user-agent-specific.

Base Module

This is a relative link. If the link points to http://www.hut.fi/u/hsivonen/test/base-test/base-target, the user agent supports <base/>. if it points to http://www.hut.fi/u/hsivonen/test/xhtml-suite/base-target, the user agent has failed the test.

XHTML 1.0 Strict

This section tests elements that are included in XHTML 1.0 Strict and in XHTML 1.1 but are not included in XHTML Basic.

Presentation module

bold, big, italic, small, subscript, superscript, teletype

There should be a horizontal rule below here:

Edit Module

This has been deleted. This has been inserted.

Bi-directional Text Module

No bidi tests at this time. Sorry.

Forms Module

The controls of this form are in a fieldset. This is the legend.

Tables Module

Advanced Table with one-pixel border and ten-pixel cell spacing (this is the caption)
First row headingCenteredtablebodyCell
Second row headingCell spanning two columnsCell spanning two
rows and columns
Third row headingCellCell

Image Map Modules

No image map tests at this time. Sorry.

Intrinsic Events and Scripting Modules

No scripting tests at this time. Sorry.

Metainformation Module

This document contains the name of the author as metainformation.


If this paragraph is green, the user agent supports CSS via <?xml-stylesheet?>.

If this paragraph is green, the user agent supports CSS via <style>.

If this paragraph is green, the user agent supports CSS via the style attribute.

Copyright 2001 Henri Sivonen